Web application R&D notes, from the world of Java, Flex, CSS, XHTML, Flash, .NET, cross-browser compatibility, JavaScript, AJAX, ADA compliance, Photoshop, and any and all things related to Web development!
28 August 2009
27 August 2009
26 August 2009
25 August 2009
24 August 2009
22 August 2009
21 August 2009
20 August 2009
18 August 2009
Auto-generate Java getter/setter methods in Eclipse
The Eclipse IDE is a powerful tool for Java development. One feature I just discovered: How to automatically generate getter/setter methods (properties) for your classes.
In your class, place your cursor on a private member, and you'll notice a yellow underline and a little popup with options. One of them is "Create getter and setter for 'myPrivateVariable'". Simply click this choice and Eclipse displays a dialog to choose getter and setter method names as well as other options. You can also access this getter/setter auto-generate functionality by placing your cursor on a private field and then going to Refactor > Encapsulate Field.
In your class, place your cursor on a private member, and you'll notice a yellow underline and a little popup with options. One of them is "Create getter and setter for 'myPrivateVariable'". Simply click this choice and Eclipse displays a dialog to choose getter and setter method names as well as other options. You can also access this getter/setter auto-generate functionality by placing your cursor on a private field and then going to Refactor > Encapsulate Field.
13 August 2009
Using custom property file in Seam email template
This was a challenge to track down, and I thought it might help others. For my current project, I'd included an <f:loadBundle/> in the XHTML Facelets' template, thinking it would be available to all pages. Well, the Seam email template, which uses the <m:message/> tag, isn't using the template, and thus it couldn't see the properties file.
Solution was simple: Throw in the same <f:loadBundle/> into the Seam email file, just below the <m:message/> opening tag.
Solution was simple: Throw in the same <f:loadBundle/> into the Seam email file, just below the <m:message/> opening tag.
12 August 2009
10 August 2009
Disable days on rich:Calendar
This article covers how you'd disable some days on the Richfaces Calendar component. For a recent project, I needed to only allow users to pick Saturdays.
Here's the XHTML Facelets code for the tag:
The getDisabledStyle() function again receives the day object, which it uses to determine the CSS style class to use. It's returning two classes for that element in this case. The second style is a custom one and is defined here:
Here's the XHTML Facelets code for the tag:
<rich:calendar value="#{oc.overtimeDate}" requiredMessage="Date 1 is required." id="#{oc.overtimeDateId}" isDayEnabled="isDayEnabled" dayStyleClass="getDisabledStyle" datePattern="MM-dd-yyyy" required="#{oc.id == 1 ? true : false}" firstWeekDay="0"/>Note two items: the isDayEnabled and dayStyleClass attributes. Both have their values set via the following JavaScript functions:
<script type="text/javascript"> function isDayEnabled(day){ var date = new Date(day.date); return (date.getDay() == 6); // 6 is Saturday, the only day that should be enabled. } function getDisabledStyle(day){ if (!isDayEnabled(day)) return 'rich-calendar-boundary-dates disabledDay'; } </script>The isDayEnabled() function uses the day argument to get the date and then the day of the week. It returns true if the day of the week is Saturday, false otherwise. This took some trial-and-error, because I didn't know how to get to the day object's date.
The getDisabledStyle() function again receives the day object, which it uses to determine the CSS style class to use. It's returning two classes for that element in this case. The second style is a custom one and is defined here:
<style> .disabledDay{ background-color:gray; } </style>Update: Jerick Osiel asked for help on how to highlight/select a week on the calendar. The answer was thanks to Makhiel on Stackoverflow.com:
<h:outputStylesheet> .highlightWeek { color: red; background-color: black; } </h:outputStylesheet> <h:outputScript> var currentWeekNumber = … // determine current week number chooseDay = function(day) { if (day.weekNumber == currentWeekNumber) return 'highlight'; return ''; } </h:outputScript> <h:form> <rich:calendar dayClassFunction="chooseDay" /> </h:form>
07 August 2009
Need to fight a bad idea? Bad idea
Great article by Bob Lewis of InfoWorld on how to handle those not-so-bright IT project ideas that come across your desk.
05 August 2009
"Another install is currently in progress" error
If you see the error "Another install is currently in progress" on Windows, try rebooting. If that doesn't work (which is often the case), bring up the Task Manager and kill the msiexec.exe process.
03 August 2009
Add JSF controls dynamically with c:forEach
Sometimes you need to add controls to a page based on user action at run-time. For this purpose, we'll use the c:forEach tag; the RichFaces rich:repeat and a4j:repeat tags won't do the job because they work during the page render time and do not create components. The c:forEach works at view build phase; Roger Keays has an article to describe the difference between these controls in JSF Facelets. This blog post is based on Ilya Shaikovsky's great article.
I needed to generate some RichFaces Calendar components with associated JSF HtmlTextInput boxes, to enable users to enter a date and overtime hours. Users could add an arbitrary number of these "rows" of controls. Some early experimentation with an a4j:outputPanel revealed the impossibility to programmatically add controls to the panel via a backing bean. Instead, I needed to use the JSF c:forEach tag.
We start by creating a custom class for our calendars, text input boxes, and their related controls. The custom class will generate the IDs for the various components and hold the Date and hours values, along with getter/setter methods (properties):
Next, in our backing action class for the Facelet, we have code to initialize the ArrayList of components and handle the adding and removing of elements from the ArrayList. We're using the JBoss Seam framework, so we just need to add some annotations to be able to reference this backing bean from our XHTML; if we use just plain JSF, we'd need to add a <managed-bean> to the faces-config.xml file. Here's the Seam action component:
Users can delete a "row" of controls by clicking a "Remove" button; the removeOvertimeComponent() method handles this process. As we'll see in a moment in the XHTML, an a4j:jsFunction tag calls the handler and passes the randomId of the current control. The getOvertimeComponentByRandomId() returns the current OvertimeComponent using the randomId. We then call the remove() method on the ArrayList to delete this element.
To get the values from the ArrayList as a string, we use getOvertimeValues(). This method loops the list and, if the date and overtime hours aren't blank, appends their values to a StringBuilder object.
The XHTML page contains the c:forEach tag:
The form uses CSS for layout; each control has a preceding label tag. Blank label tags have their for attribute set to "kluge" to indicate that their simply there for formatting. Also note that the first "row" in the c:forEach doesn't have a "Remove" button; we require the first set of controls and don't want users to delete them. That first set also has a button to add controls.
If users set the date on a rich:Calendar, we use AJAX (a4j:support) to update the required attribute of the associated h:inputText tag and its style.
I needed to generate some RichFaces Calendar components with associated JSF HtmlTextInput boxes, to enable users to enter a date and overtime hours. Users could add an arbitrary number of these "rows" of controls. Some early experimentation with an a4j:outputPanel revealed the impossibility to programmatically add controls to the panel via a backing bean. Instead, I needed to use the JSF c:forEach tag.
We start by creating a custom class for our calendars, text input boxes, and their related controls. The custom class will generate the IDs for the various components and hold the Date and hours values, along with getter/setter methods (properties):
package org.unctv.controls;Note that we're generating a random ID for each control; this will serve as a unique identifier for each "row" and will be used for deleting the controls from the page later. In the constructor, we set the IDs of the various controls.
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Random;
import java.io.Serializable;
public class OvertimeComponent implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2233263449692354678L;
private Integer Id;
private Date overtimeDate;
private Number overtimeHours;
private String overtimeDateId;
private String overtimeHoursId;
private String dateLabel;
private String overtimeHoursOutputId;
private Integer randomId;
public OvertimeComponent(Integer Id){
this.Id = Id;
String strId = Integer.toString(this.Id);
this.overtimeDateId = "calOvertimeDate_" + strId;
this.overtimeHoursId = "txtOvertimeHours_" + strId;
this.overtimeHoursOutputId = "txtOvertimeHoursOutput_" + strId;
this.dateLabel = "Date " + strId;
randomId = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()).nextInt();
public String getOvertimeHoursOutputId(){
return this.overtimeHoursOutputId;
public void setOvertimeHoursOutputId(String overtimeHoursOutputId){
this.overtimeHoursOutputId = overtimeHoursOutputId;
public Integer getRandomId(){
return this.randomId;
public void setRandomId(Integer randomId){
this.randomId = randomId;
public String getOvertimeDateId(){
return this.overtimeDateId;
public void setOvertimeDateId(String overtimeDateId){
this.overtimeDateId = overtimeDateId;
public String getOvertimeHoursId(){
return this.overtimeHoursId;
public void setOvertimeHoursId(String overtimeHoursId){
this.overtimeHoursId = overtimeHoursId;
public String getDateLabel(){
return this.dateLabel;
public void setDateLabel(String dateLabel){
this.dateLabel = dateLabel;
public Integer getId(){
return this.Id;
public void setId(Integer Id){
this.Id = Id;
public Date getOvertimeDate(){
return this.overtimeDate;
public void setOvertimeDate(Date overtimeDate){
this.overtimeDate = overtimeDate;
public Number getOvertimeHours(){
return this.overtimeHours;
public void setOvertimeHours(Number overtimeHours){
this.overtimeHours = overtimeHours;
Next, in our backing action class for the Facelet, we have code to initialize the ArrayList of components and handle the adding and removing of elements from the ArrayList. We're using the JBoss Seam framework, so we just need to add some annotations to be able to reference this backing bean from our XHTML; if we use just plain JSF, we'd need to add a <managed-bean> to the faces-config.xml file. Here's the Seam action component:
package org.unctv.requestforms.overtime;We use a custom class (org.unctv.util.Utilities) with a method that returns a formatted date. In the action class' constructor, we instantiate an ArrayList of OvertimeComponent objects and add the first calendar and text input box.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name;
import org.unctv.controls.OvertimeComponent;
import static org.jboss.seam.ScopeType.SESSION;
import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Scope;
import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
import org.unctv.util.Utilities;
public class OvertimeAction {
private ArrayList<OvertimeComponent> overtimeItems;
private Integer componentCount;
public OvertimeAction(){
this.overtimeItems = new ArrayList<OvertimeComponent>();
componentCount = 1;
public String getOvertimeValues(){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Utilities util = new Utilities();
for (int i=0; i < overtimeItems.size(); i++){
if ((overtimeItems.get(i).getOvertimeDate() != null &&
!overtimeItems.get(i).getOvertimeDate().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("")) &&
(overtimeItems.get(i).getOvertimeHours() != null )){
sb.append(Integer.toString(i+1) + ") Date: " + util.formatDate(overtimeItems.get(i).getOvertimeDate(),"MM-dd-yyyy"));
sb.append("; Hours: " + (overtimeItems.get(i).getOvertimeHours()));
sb.append(" ***** ");
return sb.toString();
public void addOvertimeComponent(){
overtimeItems.add(new OvertimeComponent(componentCount++));
public OvertimeComponent getOvertimeComponentByRandomId(Integer randomId){
for (OvertimeComponent currentOC : overtimeItems){
if (currentOC.getRandomId().equals(randomId)){
return currentOC;
return null;
public void removeOvertimeComponent(){
OvertimeComponent currentOC = null;
Integer currentRandomId;
String current = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("current");
if (current != null){
currentRandomId = Integer.parseInt(current);
currentOC = this.getOvertimeComponentByRandomId(currentRandomId);
public ArrayList<OvertimeComponent> getOvertimeItems(){
return this.overtimeItems;
public void setOvertimeItems(ArrayList<OvertimeComponent> overtimeItems){
this.overtimeItems = overtimeItems;
Users can delete a "row" of controls by clicking a "Remove" button; the removeOvertimeComponent() method handles this process. As we'll see in a moment in the XHTML, an a4j:jsFunction tag calls the handler and passes the randomId of the current control. The getOvertimeComponentByRandomId() returns the current OvertimeComponent using the randomId. We then call the remove() method on the ArrayList to delete this element.
To get the values from the ArrayList as a string, we use getOvertimeValues(). This method loops the list and, if the date and overtime hours aren't blank, appends their values to a StringBuilder object.
The XHTML page contains the c:forEach tag:
<!DOCTYPE composition PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"We set the items attribute of the c:forEach tag to the overtimeItems ArrayList; our loop variable is called oc. Note that the "Remove" button calls the a4j:jsFunction to delete the row by passing it the randomId of the current control. A rich:modalPanel (referenced in the oncomplete of one of the buttons) has been omitted for brevity.
<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<ui:define name="body">
<a4j:outputPanel id="output" rendered="#{not empty overtime.overtimeItems}">
<c:forEach items="#{overtime.overtimeItems}" var="oc">
<h:outputLabel value="#{oc.dateLabel}"
style="font-weight:#{(oc.id == 1) ? 'bold' : 'normal'}"
for="#{oc.overtimeDateId}" />
<rich:calendar value="#{oc.overtimeDate}" requiredMessage="Date 1 is required."
datePattern="MM-dd-yyyy" required="#{oc.id == 1 ? true : false}">
<a4j:support event="onchanged" reRender="#{oc.overtimeHoursId}, #{oc.overtimeHoursOutputId}" ajaxSingle="true"/>
<h:outputText value="OT Hours" id="#{oc.overtimeHoursOutputId}"
style="padding-left:9px; font-weight:#{oc.overtimeDate == null || oc.overtimeDate.toString() == '' ? 'normal' : 'bold'}"/>
<h:inputText value="#{oc.overtimeHours}" id="#{oc.overtimeHoursId}"
converterMessage="OT Hours for Date #{oc.id} must be numeric and in this format: 99.9"
requiredMessage="OT Hours is required if Date #{oc.id} has a value." maxlength="4" style="width:50px;"
required="#{oc.overtimeDate == null || oc.overtimeDate.toString() == '' ? false : true}" >
<f:convertNumber maxFractionDigits="1" maxIntegerDigits="2" type="number"/>
<a4j:commandButton action="#{overtime.addOvertimeComponent()}"
rendered="#{oc.id == 1 ? true : false}" style="margin-left:9px"
reRender="output" type="submit" ajaxSingle="false" value="Add Date Row" >
<rich:toolTip followMouse="true" direction="top-right"
showDelay="300" styleClass="tooltip tooltip_custom">
<span style="white-space:nowrap">
Click to add another row for date and overtime hours.
<h:commandButton onclick="removeOvertime('#{oc.randomId}'); Event.stop(event);" value="Remove"
rendered="#{oc.id == 1 ? false : true}" style="margin-left:9px" >
<rich:toolTip followMouse="true" direction="top-right" showDelay="300" styleClass="tooltip tooltip_custom">
<span style="white-space:nowrap">
Click to remove this row of date and overtime hours.
<br />
<a4j:jsFunction action="#{overtime.removeOvertimeComponent()}" name="removeOvertime"
ajaxSingle="true" reRender="output">
<a4j:actionparam name="current"/>
<label for="kluge" class="buttons" />
<a4j:commandButton action="/new-employee/new_employee.xhtml"
type="submit" value="Submit"
reRender="status" eventsQueue="foo" status="status"
onclick="this.disabled=true" id="btnSubmit"
oncomplete="#{facesContext.maximumSeverity == null ? 'Richfaces.hideModalPanel(\'mpErrors\');' : 'Richfaces.showModalPanel(\'mpErrors\'); this.disabled=false'}"
<input id="btnReset" value="Reset" type="reset" />
<br />
<label for="kludge" class="buttons" />
<a4j:status id="status" startText="Processing request. Please wait..."
stopText="#{utilities.status}" startStyleClass="startStyle"
stopStyleClass="stopStyle" /><br />
The form uses CSS for layout; each control has a preceding label tag. Blank label tags have their for attribute set to "kluge" to indicate that their simply there for formatting. Also note that the first "row" in the c:forEach doesn't have a "Remove" button; we require the first set of controls and don't want users to delete them. That first set also has a button to add controls.
If users set the date on a rich:Calendar, we use AJAX (a4j:support) to update the required attribute of the associated h:inputText tag and its style.
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