04 December 2008

Display HTML File in Flex TextArea

For a current project, I needed to have a help file for a Flex app that anyone with some HTML knowledge could update. One solution was described by PeterD on his great FlexExamples.com blog post. You can even apply a stylesheet to the HTML. Some big caveats: Because the Flex TextArea is based on the the underlying Flash API's flash.text.TextField object, it only allows a very limited number of HTML tags; the LiveDocs have a list of the allowed tags. And anything but very basic CSS is ignored.


Anonymous said...

Yeah this is one of the areas that really lets flex down. It makes the development of a flex based html editor very difficult or maybe even impossible. Most likely a security concern of Adobes or something like that.... surely they could have come up with a better solution than to just leave it in the too hard basket.

Alex C said...

Flex is still a relatively young product; they'll add new features and this might be one of them.

Anonymous said...

Thats true, actually I had a quick look s labs... this looks promising...

Alex C said...

Thanks, Brendon. Hadn't seen that. I'll post it to the blog.