15 May 2009

Adobe Acrobat's IOError solution

Adobe Acrobat Pro can throw an error if it tries to generate a PDF and the original document contains non-system fonts. The error's actually coming from Distiller:

%%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
%%[Page: 1]%%
%%[Page: 2]%%
%%[Page: 3]%%
%%[ Error: ioerror; OffendingCommand: imageDistiller; ErrorInfo: DCTDecodeFilter Source error or end in scan 0 8x8 block 71491 ]%%



%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%

Solution? Simple: Under your printers in Windows, right-click Adobe PDF, choose Properties > General tab > Printing Preferences. Make sure the checkbox for "Rely on system fonts; do not use document fonts" is off.

Also, the same thing can happen on the online Acrobat.com tool:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at com.adobe.dc2.view.body.library::LibraryCPDFView/createPDFDone()
at com.adobe.dc2.view.body.library::LibraryCPDFView/updateStatus()
at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
at flash.utils::Timer/tick()

Unless the document you upload has the fonts it needs embedded within it, it will throw an exception. The conversion server has only so many fonts; there's no way it can have every possible typeface that people might use.


Netgk said...

I'm getting this error after adding rectangle boxes to a *SCAN*. I added the boxes to block out some info on the scan. Now I want to distill it, so the boxes become integrated into the document & permanent. So I wouldn't think fonts would be involved here, correct? At any rate, I did try the solution you suggested. The closest I could find on the menu was "Do not send fonts to Adobe PDF." It was already checked. For the heck of it, I un-checked it, and no change. So does a scan have fonts?

Netgk said...

I'm getting this error after adding rectangle boxes to a *SCAN*. I added the boxes to block out some info on the scan. Now I want to distill it, so the boxes become integrated into the document & permanent. So I wouldn't think fonts would be involved here, correct? At any rate, I did try the solution you suggested. The closest I could find on the menu was "Do not send fonts to Adobe PDF." It was already checked. For the heck of it, I un-checked it, and no change. So does a scan have fonts?